Journal Entry – Boo Radley


In Chapter one, we start to see that blacks and whites were not treated the same at that time period. The book was written in the 1960’s, during the great depression. In addition, the Jim Crow Lays were still active at that time. Both races were completely segregated and had completely different rights.

For example, Boo Radley (character) was accused of stabbing his father with scissors in the leg, which resulted in his death. Today, he would have been charges with fist degree murder and sent to prison for life.

Boo Radley was not sent to prison as he should have been. Instead, he was locked up in the basement. “The sheriff said that he didn’t have the hear to put him in jail alongside the negroes.” If Boo Radley would have been black, he would have surely been locked up, even for a smaller crime. This shows that both races were treated completely differently at that time. Boo Radley might have even been hung if he were black.


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